Data Frames in D - let's not wait for linear algebra; useful today in finance and Internet of Things
Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn
digitalmars-d-learn at
Fri Dec 26 22:21:16 PST 2014
On Friday, 26 December 2014 at 21:31:00 UTC, aldanor wrote:
> On Wednesday, 25 September 2013 at 03:41:36 UTC, Jay Norwood
> wrote:
>> I've been playing with the python pandas app enables
>> interactive manipulation of tables of data in their dataframe
>> structure, which they say is similar to the structures used in
>> R.
>> It appears pandas has laid claim to being a faster version of
>> R, but is doing so basically limited to what they can exploit
>> from moving operations back and forth from underlying cython
>> code.
>> Has anyone written an example app in D that manipulates
>> dataframe type structures?
> Pandas has numpy as "backend" which does a lot of heavy
> lifting, so first things first -- imo D needs a fast and
> flexible blas/lapack-compatible multi-dimensional rectangular
> array library that could later serve as backend for pandas-like
> libraries.
I don't believe I agree that we need a perfect multi-dimensional
rectangular array library to serve as a backend before thinking
and doing much on data frames (although it will certainly be very
useful when ready).
First, it seems we do have matrices, even if lacking in complete
functionality for linear algebra, and the like. There is a
chicken and egg aspect in the development of tools - it is rarely
the case that one kind of tool necessarily totally precedes
another, and often complementarities and dynamic effects between
different stages. If one waits till one has everything one needs
done for one, one won't get much done.
Secondly, much of the kind of thing Pandas is useful for is not
exactly rocket science from a quantitative perspective, but it's
just the kinds of thing that is very useful if you are thinking
about working with data sets of a decent size.The concepts seem
to me to fit very well with std.algorithm and std.range, and can
be thought of as just as way to bring out the power of the tools
we alreaady have when working with data in the world as it is.
See here for an example of just how simple. Remember Excel
Thirdly, one of the reasons Pandas is popular is because it is
written in C/Cython and very fast. It's significantly faster
than Julia. One might hit roadblocks down the line when it comes
to the Global Interpreter Lock and difficulty of processing
larger sets quickly in Python, but at least this stage is fast
and easy. So people do care about speed, but they also care
about the frictions being taken away, so that they can spend
their energies on addressing the problem at hand. Ie a dataframe
will be helpful, in my view.
Processing of log data is a growing domain - partly from
internet, but also from the internet of things. See below for
one company using D to process logs:
A poster on this forum is already using D as a library to call
from R (from Reddit), which brings home the point that it isn't
necessary for D to be able to do every part of the process for it
to be able to take over some of the heavy work.
"[–]bachmeier 6 points 1 month ago
I call D shared libraries from R. I've put together a library
that offers similar functionality to Rcpp. I've got a
presentation showing its use on Linux. Both the presentation and
library code should be made available within the next couple of
My library makes available the R API and anything in Gretl. You
can allocate and manipulate R objects in D, add R assert
statements in your D code, and so on. What I'm working on now is
calling into GSL for optimization.
These are all mature libraries - my code is just an interface.
It's generally easy to call any C library from D, and modern
Fortran, which provides C interoperability, is not too much
See here, for just one use case in the internet of things. They
don't use D, but maybe they should have. And it shows an example
where perhaps at least log processing could easily be handled by
what we have with a few small additional data structures - even
if people use outside libraries for the machine learning part.
"By using Splunk software, Hrebek said that his division’s leader
product is able to offer customers a real-time view of operations
on a train and to use machine learning to suggest optimal
strategies for driving trains along various routes. Just shaving
a small percentage off of fuel costs can mean huge savings for a
Why Doesn’t BI Work for the IoT?
In both of the use cases just mentioned, for years, existing
business intelligence technology had been applied to the problem
of making sense of the data with little success.
The problem is not that that it is impossible to use traditional
ETL technology and an RDBMS or, more commonly, spreadsheets to
get something working so that some of the data becomes useful. It
is just that the effort involved is great and the technical
effort involved in maintaining such systems is massive. Hrebek
compared using spreadsheets for IoT data to living in the ninth
circle of hell in Dante’s Inferno, because the process is so
tedious and error prone.
Machine data is different from flat files that are the paradigm
for BI technology, which works in rows and columns. Also, machine
data can be naturally organized into a time series, but this is
not the default way that a spreadsheet or an RDBMS works.
Why Does Splunk Work for the IoT?
IoT data essentially looks exactly the same as the machine data
from servers in a data center that Splunk Enterprise was
initially created to handle. The software allows you to:
Automatically parse fields
Identify several different types of records as a related group
Organize and store records by timestamp
Create dashboards and analytics that are updated in real time
With each successive release, Splunk is making the process of
parsing machine data as automatic and machine assisted as
possible. Its software handles variations of IoT data by allowing
a simple mapping of a field into a standard name. For example,
the GPS coordinates of a train car might be recorded in six or
seven different ways in various forms of machine data, but can be
unified via Splunk Enterprise. Splunk software allows these
mappings to be implemented and maintained with a minimum of
The bottom line is that there is no way to avoid the
imperfections that naturally occur in the real world. We are
always going to have lots of trees and to have to deal with them
both as individuals and as a forest, in a normalized aggregate
form. The reason Splunk is making such inroads in IoT
applications is that it can handle both the trees and the forest
and turn the information from the real world into a clear view of
what is happening that allows useful models of reality to be
created. If you are building an IOT application, you must find a
way to handle the messy nature of the real world."
Many more similar oppties for D here:
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