Getting NotNull Right
per.nordlow at
Wed Feb 5 13:14:51 PST 2014
I've changed Adam D Ruppes module notnull.d a bit to allow
assignment of a NotNull inherited class instance to a NotNull
base class using
/** Assignment from $(D NotNull) Inherited Class $(D rhs) to
$(D NotNull) Base
Class $(D this). */
typeof(this) opAssign(U)(NotNull!U rhs) @safe pure nothrow if
(isAssignable!(T, U)) {
this._value = rhs._value;
return this;
This allows
class A {}
class B : A {}
NotNull!B b = assumeNotNull(new B);
NotNull!A a = assumeNotNull(new A);
a = b;
assert(a is b);
However I haven't figure out how to allow the follow code to
class A {}
class B : A {}
void f(NotNull!A a) {}
NotNull!B b = assumeNotNull(new B);
which I believe should work automatically.
How do I make that happen?
Complete source of module notnull.d follows:
#!/usr/bin/env rdmd
module notnull;
import std.traits: isAssignable;
/** Note that NotNull!T is not NotNullable :) */
alias NotNullable(T) = isAssignable!(T, typeof(null));
NotNull ensures a null value can never be stored.
* You must initialize it when declared
* You must never assign the null literal to it (this is a
compile time error)
* If you assign a null value at runtime to it, it will
immediately throw an Error
at the point of assignment.
NotNull!T can be substituted for T at any time, but T cannot
NotNull without some attention: either declaring NotNull!T, or
the convenience function, notNull.
Condition: T must be a reference type.
Instead of: __traits(compiles, { T t; assert(t is null); }.
TODO: Merge with
int myInt;
NotNull!(int *) not_null = &myInt;
// you can now use variable not_null anywhere you would
// have used a regular int*, but with the assurance that
// it never stored null.
struct NotNull(T) if (NotNullable!T)
@disable this(); // Disallow default initialized (to null)
/** Assignment from $(D NotNull) Inherited Class $(D rhs) to
$(D NotNull) Base
Class $(D this). */
typeof(this) opAssign(U)(NotNull!U rhs) @safe pure nothrow if
(isAssignable!(T, U)) {
this._value = rhs._value;
return this;
NotNull!U opCast(U)() @safe pure nothrow if (isAssignable!(U,
T)) {
return NotNull!_value;
// this could arguably break the static type check because
// you can assign it from a variable that is null.. but I
// think it is important that NotNull!Object = new Object();
// works, without having to say assumeNotNull(new Object())
// for convenience of using with local variables.
/// Constructs with a runtime not null check (via assert()).
this(T value) @safe pure nothrow
assert(value !is null);
_value = value;
/** Disable null construction. */
@disable this(typeof(null));
/** Disable null assignment. */
@disable typeof(this) opAssign(typeof(null));
private T _value;
@property inout(T) _valueHelper() inout
assert(_value !is null); // sanity check of invariant
return _value;
// Apparently a compiler bug - the invariant being
uncommented breaks all kinds of stuff.
// invariant() { assert(_value !is null); }
alias _valueHelper this; /// this is substitutable for the
regular (nullable) type
/* void toMsgpack (Packer) (ref Packer packer) const {
packer.pack(_value); } */
/* void fromMsgpack(Unpacker)(auto ref Unpacker unpacker) {
unpacker.unpack(_value); } */
/** A convenience function to construct a NotNull value from
something $(D t)
you know isn't null.
NotNull!T assumeNotNull(T)(T t) if (NotNullable!T)
return NotNull!T(t); // note the constructor asserts it is
not null
/** A convenience function to check for null $(D t). If you pass
null to $(D t),
it will throw an exception. Otherwise, return NotNull!T.
NotNull!T enforceNotNull(T, string file = __FILE__, size_t line =
__LINE__)(T t) if (NotNullable!T)
import std.exception: enforce;
enforce(t !is null, "t is null!", file, line);
return NotNull!T(t);
import core.exception;
import std.exception;
void NotNullCompiliationTest1()() // I'm making these
templates to defer compiling them
NotNull!(int*) defaultInitiliation; // should fail
because this would be null otherwise
assert(!__traits(compiles, NotNullCompiliationTest1!()()));
void NotNullCompiliationTest2()()
NotNull!(int*) defaultInitiliation = null; // should fail
here too at compile time
assert(!__traits(compiles, NotNullCompiliationTest2!()()));
int dummy;
NotNull!(int*) foo = &dummy;
assert(!__traits(compiles, foo = null)); // again, literal
null is caught at compile time
int* test;
test = &dummy;
foo = assumeNotNull(test); // should be fine
void bar(int* a) {}
// these should both compile, since NotNull!T is a subtype of
void takesNotNull(NotNull!(int*) a) { }
assert(!__traits(compiles, takesNotNull(test))); // should
not work; plain int might be null
takesNotNull(foo); // should be fine
takesNotNull(assumeNotNull(test)); // this should work too
takesNotNull(assumeNotNull(null)))); // notNull(null) shouldn't
test = null; // reset our pointer
// test is null now, so this should throw an assert failure
void takesConstNotNull(in NotNull!(int *) a) {}
test = &dummy; // make it valid again
takesConstNotNull(assumeNotNull(test)); // should Just Work
NotNull!(int*) foo2 = foo; // we should be able to assign
NotNull to other NotNulls too
foo2 = foo; // including init and assignment
class A {}
class B : A {}
NotNull!B b = assumeNotNull(new B);
NotNull!A a = assumeNotNull(new A);
a = b;
assert(a is b);
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