Getting and using class hierarhy information in runtime

Uranuz neuranuz at
Thu Feb 13 19:48:12 PST 2014

I suddenly posted unfinished message.

In my web application on D I want to implement some type of
"event based error handling". I'm process some events of request
handler with some wodified version of this:

I'm trying to implement error handling in event "onError". I pass
Throwable object as parameter to it. But I want to have these
events to be sepearted by type so I will attach different
handlers for different error types at runtime manner as in .NET
platform. Problem is that I need at first handle "more
specialized" types of events that inherited from other less
specialized types.

Is it possible to check somehow at runtime that one object
inherits from another object somehow using .classinfo property.

I'll try to give an example of what I want. It's may be not
correct D code.

class BaseHTTPException: Exception

class SpecializedHTTPException: Exception

alias bool function(Throwable error) ErrorHandler;

class RequestHandler

   void processRequest(string msg)
     try {
     ///Doing some processing on msg

     } catch(Throwable exc)
        foreach( type, hdl; _errorHandlers )
        {   if( exc.inheritsOrIs(type) )  //Checking type of 
               if( hdl(exc) )
               {  return; //Error handled





    ErrorHandler[TypeInfo_Class] _errorHandlers;


Or may you would advise some other less complicated way.

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