Interface file is generated wrong

Tolga Cakiroglu (tcak) tcak at
Tue Feb 18 02:07:35 PST 2014

I have written a module as below:

file: lib.d

import core.sys.posix.dlfcn;

private static this(){}

private static ~this(){}

public shared class Apps{


This code is compiled with "-H" flag to generate an interface 
file. Generated interface file is below:

file: lib.di

// D import file generated from 'lib.d'
import core.sys.posix.dlfcn;
private static this();

public shared class Apps


Compiler is adding a redundant "private" keyword before the 
class, and static destructor function is not there any more. Thus 
compiler is giving "Redundant protection attribute" error.

Bug? (I don't know if I should immediately file a bug when I 
think it is a bug without asking what other people thinks.)

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