Cannot get frame pointer to sort

Tobias Pankrath tobias at
Tue Feb 18 14:28:06 PST 2014

struct Set(alias less = "a < b", T)
	import std.algorithm;
	import std.functional;
	alias lessFun = binaryFun!(less);

	int[] someContents;
	this(R)(R r)

unittest {
	auto as2 = Set!((x,y) => x < y , int)([2, 1, 3]);

It works, if I provide a normal function or a string lambda as 
'less'. However the code above results in the following error:

/d923/f233.d(11): Error: constructor 
f233.__unittestL15_3.Set!((x, y) => x < y, 
int).Set.__ctor!(int[]).this cannot get frame pointer to sort

What's wrong?

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