loop over all parameters of all overloads of all members

TheFlyingFiddle theflyingfiddle at gmail.com
Sun Feb 23 15:11:35 PST 2014

On Sunday, 23 February 2014 at 21:08:48 UTC, Frustrated wrote:
> The following code craps out on the inner for each
> 		foreach (am; __traits(derivedMembers, B))
> 			foreach (m; [__traits(getOverloads, B, am)])
> 			{
> 			}
> So how can I loop over all the parameters of all the overloads 
> of
> all the members of a class?
> Create some weird mapping tuple?

Here's an example of how to loop over all paremters of all the 
methods in a class T and print the functions with arguments.

import std.typetuple, std.traits;

class B
     void b() { }
     void b(int i) { }
     void b(int i, long l) { }

string signatureString(alias func)()
     alias pt = ParameterTypeTuple!func;
     alias pi = ParameterIdentifierTuple!func;
     alias rt = ReturnType!func;

     enum name = __traits(identifier, func);
     enum stat = __traits(isStaticFunction, func) ? "static " : "";

     string s = stat ~ rt.stringof ~ " " ~ name ~ "(";
     foreach(i, dummy; pt) {
         s ~= pt[i].stringof ~ " " ~ pi[i];
         static if(i != pt.length - 1)
             s ~= ",";
     s ~= ")";

     return s;

void ctPrintClassFunctions(T)()
     foreach(member; __traits(allMembers, T))
         static if(__traits(compiles, __traits(getOverloads, 
T.init, member)))
             alias Overloads = TypeTuple!(__traits(getOverloads, 
T.init, member));
             foreach(overload; Overloads)
                 pragma(msg, signatureString!overload);

void main()

> I guess we are not going to get a static foreach any time soon?

Every foreach in the example is a "static" foreach in the sense 
that it unrolls the loops and evaluates them at compiletime.

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