How do I choose the correct primative?
kurtyan at
Wed Jan 1 17:50:17 PST 2014
> I'm a little OCD - who cares about memory to that degree
> anymore when we have gigabytes of RAM? This might not even come
> into play on the Raspberry Pi.
Memory is very important when it comes to performance, the moving
of memory is the single most energy demanding task the CPU (and
the GPU for that matter) has.
( and for why this is so)
Anyhow if you want to get a good understanding about how memory
works and is related to performance i would highly recommend
reading this entire PDF
>>Then I took Architecture & Assembly class. There I learned that
>>the load instruction grabs an entire native word size, every
>>time, regardless of how many bits your variable takes up.
>>When we programmed in assembly in that class, for both
>>performance and coding ease, we only worked with variables that
>>were the native code size.
Keep in mind that schools are usually 5-15 years behind current
technology (especially introductory classes) and what was true
then of performance does not have to be true today.
>>I found out that it's actually extra work for the processor to
>>use values smaller than the native word size: it has to AND off
>>the unwanted bits and possibly shift them over.
>>So, if dmd packs variables together, I would want to always use
>>the native word size to avoid that extra work, and I would
>>never want to use shorts, ints, or longs. Instead, I'd want to
>>do this:
This "extra work" is highly unlikely to be your bottleneck. Also
don't assume that making everything be of native size is going to
make things faster just because of an AND/SHIFT instruction.
>>And then only use natives, unatives, and booleans (can't avoid
>>them) for my primatives.
You can use normal integers in if statements if you want.
Anything not 0 will be true.
int flag = someFunc();
//Do something.
>>I really hope this isn't the case because it would make D's
>>entire primative system pointless. In acedamia, C is often
>>scolded for its ints always being the native word size, while
>>Java is praised for being consistent from platform to platform.
>>But if dmd packs its variables, D is the one that should be
>>scolded and C is the one that should be praised for the same
>>reason of the opposite.
D is like java.
(u)byte is 8bit
(u)short is 16bit
(u)int is 32bit
(u)long is 64bit
size_t and pttdiff_t are of platform size.
Note that floats are always calculated by the systems highest
float 32bit
double 64bit
real platform dependant but never lower then 64bit.
//So, I need to have this question answered to even get past the
//function prototype stage - each answer would result in different
You should not care about this in the function prototype stage
this is the essence of premature optimization. You cant be sure
of how fast something is going to be before you profile it. And
even then it will vary from run to run / computer to computer and
compiler to compiler. I think this book gives a nice introduction
to the subject.
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