Prevent Garbage Collector

Jeroen Bollen jbinero at
Sat Jan 4 09:19:29 PST 2014

On Saturday, 4 January 2014 at 17:16:53 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
> On Saturday, 4 January 2014 at 17:15:12 UTC, Jeroen Bollen 
> wrote:
>> Is there a way to prevent the Garbage collector from running 
>> on one particular object? Something like:
> I would just malloc it.
> int* CreatePermanentInt() {
>    int* i = malloc(int.sizeof);
>    *i = 5;
>    return i;
> }
> The malloced thing itself won't be freed, nor will its contents 
> be scanned by the gc (unless you use GC.addRange yourself) so 
> you can use it to hack some weak references too.

Do I get malloc from the C library or does D also have a function 
for this?

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