What's the D way of application version numbers?

John Colvin john.loughran.colvin at gmail.com
Sun Jan 12 10:59:25 PST 2014

On Sunday, 12 January 2014 at 18:36:19 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
> With C++ and Python, it is idiomatic to put the application 
> version
> number in a separate file that can then be processed by the 
> build
> system. For C++ a config file is constructed defining a macro 
> that is
> then used in the rest of the course. For Python the file is 
> read at
> runtime to define a variable. The build system itself uses the 
> version
> number for creating deb, RPM, egg, wheel, etc. packages.
> D has no macro processing so C++ idioms are not useful. D does 
> create a
> standalone executable and so the Python approach of reading the 
> file at
> initialization time seems inappropriate.
> Is there a known D idiom for this?
> Thanks.

Unless I'm misunderstanding you, this is what the -version and 
verion(){} blocks are for. Past that it's really a matter of 
choice depending on your build system.

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