A little of coordination for Rosettacode

qznc qznc at web.de
Wed Jan 15 23:40:24 PST 2014

On Thursday, 16 January 2014 at 01:11:23 UTC, bearophile wrote:
> - To test the compiler betas to see if they have "regressions" 
> if you try to use the new features.

This sounds somewhat paradox to me. How can a new feature have a 
regression? A "regression" means it has worked before, but new 
feature did not exist before.

Maybe the question is about "before"? In my understanding 
"before" is "latest release", whereas "current" is "beta release" 
or "git HEAD". Do you mean "before" as something like "commit 
deadbeef~4" whereas "current" is "commit deadbeef"?

I see nothing wrong with using code from Rosettacode to try out 
new features. It is weird though, if people want to test an 
example, you have to tell them to compile dmd from git.

In practice the difference between the uses is not that important 
I think, because the sheer number of code snippets and release 
frequency means that most examples can be compiled with the 
latest release no matter what bearophile does. ;)

Btw are your scripts public, bearophile?

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