Building D from source on Windows

Andrew Edwards ridimz at
Thu Jan 16 11:31:44 PST 2014

On 1/16/14, 2:03 PM, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
> 16-Jan-2014 21:41, Andrew Edwards пишет:
> it would help to know when exactly this problem comes up. I guess
> bulding Phobos?

dmd, druntime, and phobos all build properly. The problem comes up when 
trying to build with dmd.

> It could also mean that you are trying to link x64 object files with
> optlink.Being dump the tool thinks that it's a 32bit object just
> horribly broken. x64 requires its own section in sc.ini and MS Visual
> Studio with.

I took the sc.ini file from v2.064.2 and it does have that section. I 
don't however have Visual Studio installed so that might be contributing 
to the problem.

> Try specifying model directly:
> make MODEL=32 -fwin32.mak
> and if it doesn't help clean it first and try again:
> make MODEL=32 -fwin32.mak clean
> make MODEL=32 -fwin32.mak
> Also - always first build druntime, then Phobos. Always with the same
> I've found that to cleanly build x64 and 32 on windows I have to run
> clean between builds (unlike in Linux/MacOS).

Ok. Got it, I'll give this a try as soon as I can get back to my system.

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