Creating an array of C structs

Colin Grogan grogan.colin at
Mon Jan 27 02:13:06 PST 2014

On Monday, 27 January 2014 at 09:34:04 UTC, Namespace wrote:
> On Monday, 27 January 2014 at 09:06:17 UTC, Colin Grogan wrote:
>> Why wont the following code compile?
>> import std.stdio;
>> void main()
>> {
>>    myStruct[] mystructs = {
>>        {1, 1.1f},
>>        {2, 2.2f}
>>    };
>> }
>> extern(C){
>>    struct myStruct{
>>        int x;
>>        float y;
>>    }
>> }
>> It fails with the (unhelpful imo) error message:
>> source/app.d(7): Error: a struct is not a valid initializer 
>> for a myStruct[]
>> The reason I need a C struct is because I'm interfacing to a C 
>> library that expects an array of myStructs.
> myStruct[] mystructs = [
>     {1, 1.1f},
>     {2, 2.2f}
> ];
> Arrays are enclosed in [] ;)

I'm an idiot.
Can I delete this thread to save further embarrassment? :)

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