Insert a char in string

Alexandre via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Thu Jul 10 12:58:36 PDT 2014

basically format....
I read a cobol struct file...

 From pos X to Y I have a money value... but, this value don't 
have any format..


The 15 is the cents... bascally I need to put the ( comma ), we 
use comma to separate the cents, here in Brazil...

On Thursday, 10 July 2014 at 19:33:15 UTC, simendsjo wrote:
> On 07/10/2014 06:05 PM, Alexandre wrote:
>> I have a string X and I need to insert a char in that string...
>> auto X = "100000000000000";
>> And I need to inser a ',' in position 3 of this string..., I 
>> try to use
>> the array.insertInPlace, but, not work...
>> I try this:
>> auto X = "100000000000000";
>> auto N = X.insertInPlace(1,'0');
> Do you really want to insert a comma in the string, or do you 
> want to
> format a number as "100,000,000,000.00"?

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