Undo struct slicing by type-punning

ponce via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at puremagic.com
Mon Jul 14 06:23:56 PDT 2014


I am porting C++ code that undo "Object Slicing" by casting 

My translation in D Code

struct A
  // stuff

struct B
   A a;
   alias a this;
  // stuff

void myFunction(ref const(A) a)
     if (<a-is-actually-a-B>)
         // here goes the converstion to a B reference
         myFunction2(*cast(const(B)*)(&a)); // using pointer to do 


To do this, I need to by guaranteed an object passed through ref 
const(A) is never, ever passed by value. Is it safe to assume?

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