Grabing C(++) stdout

Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Wed Jul 23 08:22:40 PDT 2014

On Wednesday, 23 July 2014 at 15:12:13 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
> On Wednesday, 23 July 2014 at 14:53:35 UTC, Chris wrote:
>> Short question: how can I grab the stdout written to by C(++), 
>> i.e.
>> C code:
>> fwrite(...);
>> std.cstream will be replaced sooner or later.
> I don't think I understand the question. stdout is the same 
> file handle, doesn't matter whether that's using c++'s cout, 
> c's stdout in stdio.h or D's std.stdio.stdout
> writeln("hello world");
> is just short for
> stdout.writeln("hello world");
> also, if you want c io functions, import core.stdc.stdio;
> If you're wanting to grab the output from another process, take 
> a look at std.process

It's a small library written in C++. I can either load it 
dynamically or incorporate it into my program. Either way, when 
the C++ part does its job, I can see the correct output in the 
console window, but I cannot grab it. After analyzing the C++ 
code, it seems that it uses fwrite and writes to stdout.

When I grab stdout I only get the output from the D part, not 
from the C++ part.

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