Deploying Vibe.d applications to OpenShift

Rikki Cattermole via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Wed Jul 23 18:47:38 PDT 2014

On 24/07/2014 1:28 p.m., Rutger wrote:
> Hello! Really enjoying D so far and have started to toy around
> with Vibe.d.
> I was just wondering if someone here has had any experience with
> publishing vibe applications on the OpenShift Paas?
> (
> Please let me know how you did it, because I know it's possible
> with the DIY-cartridge they provide you(atleast it should be).

I was looking into it a while back. Its not so much the cartridges which 
are a problem. They are pretty easy to make. The issue is with the 
gears. 2gb is the max and most expensive.
But with D unless your very careful 1gb is more the norm. Atleast in my 
tests with Cmsed.
Also you will need to find a way to compile for their instances OS. 
Could be an issue as its most likely redhat (as its owned by them).

But they have a free plan. Might as well have a go.

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