Equivalent of DllMain on OSX?

Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at puremagic.com
Fri Jul 25 16:23:04 PDT 2014

On Friday, 25 July 2014 at 21:23:00 UTC, Mark Isaacson wrote:
> I am presently trying to port a driver I wrote for Windows to 
> OSX. The one thing standing in my way is figuring out how to 
> get the equivalent of DllMain on OSX.
> I need a place to call Runtime.initialize() and whatnot.
> Reading the wiki, it seemed like `shared static this()`  was 
> the appropriate construct to use, and indeed, when I run the 
> test program from:
> http://dlang.org/dll-linux.html#dso9
> I get the desired results: namely, I see that the `shared 
> static this()` in that test program is called the desired point.
> When I try the same thing in my driver, it is never executed.
> Are dylibs on OSX not supported still (I saw some very old 
> threads from 2012 stating as much)? Does it matter that I have 
> multiple modules in the driver? Any help would be appreciated.
> I shall endeavor to get the modified driver code into a state 
> where I can link it as well.

Loading multiple D shared libraries isn't supported on OS X yet, 
see these warnings in druntime:


If you only have a single D shared library, I think it's 
possible, you just may have to tweak dmd/druntime or your build 
process a bit.

I think Martin Nowak or Jacob Carlborg can really answer your 
questions, as Martin wrote a lot of that code and Jacob seems to 
follow it closely, whereas I don't use OS X but looked at that 
code when porting to Android.

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