It is a bug?

Jesse Phillips via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Wed Jul 30 09:14:55 PDT 2014

On Wednesday, 30 July 2014 at 07:08:17 UTC, Kozzi11 wrote:
> #main.d:
> import m.f;
> class A {
>     //class main.A member m is not accessible
>     //mixin(t!(typeof(this), "m"));
>     void m() {};
>     //here is ok
>     //mixin(t!(typeof(this), "m"));
> }

The compiler is trying to construct type A. The first thing it 
sees is a need to get the members of the class. What members are 
in the class? "I don't know I'm trying to mix one in right now!"

That said, there may be away around it so you can search bugzilla 
and file an improvement to see the response.

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