How useful should inout be?

Infiltrator Lt.Infiltrator at
Sun Mar 23 03:28:52 PDT 2014

So, following on from monarchdodra's comment [0] in the bug 
tracker, how exactly should inout work?  For example, should the 
following work?

import std.algorithm : map;

class L {
    auto fun(const S s) inout nothrow pure @safe {
       if(point[0] is s)
          return point[1];
          return point[0];
    this(S a, S b) {
       point = [a, b];
    S[2] point;

class S {
    @property auto foo() inout nothrow pure @safe {
       return!(e =>;
    L[] arr;

void main() { }

Writing foo imperatively causes no problems with inout:
    @property auto foo() inout nothrow pure @safe {
       inout(S)[] tmp;
       foreach(e; arr)
          tmp ~=;
       return tmp;

Of course, the functional style looks cleaner, neater, and more 
immediately obvious what is being done.

So, is this a limitation with inout, part of its design, or am I 
misunderstaning something more fundamental?


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