Order of destruction of local variables

Marc Schütz" <schuetzm at gmx.net> Marc Schütz" <schuetzm at gmx.net>
Fri Mar 28 12:03:20 PDT 2014

struct MyStruct {
     string name;
     ~this() {
         import std.stdio;
         writeln("destroying ", name);

void main() {
     auto a = MyStruct("a"), b = MyStruct("b");
         auto e = MyStruct("scoped e");
     auto c = MyStruct("c");
     MyStruct[3] f = [MyStruct("1"), MyStruct("2"), MyStruct("3")];
     auto d = MyStruct("d");

With current DMD, this outputs:

destroying scoped e
destroying 3
destroying 2
destroying 1
destroying c
destroying b
destroying a

That is, destruction happens in reverse lexical order of 
declaration, and arrays are destroyed from back to front.

Is this behaviour guaranteed?

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