A lot of people want to use D,but they only know MS SQL Server,what will help them to Learn D?

FrankLike via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at puremagic.com
Thu May 1 01:56:49 PDT 2014

On Monday, 14 April 2014 at 17:13:56 UTC, FrankLike wrote:
>> My advice - use ODBC, it is the fastest way you may connect to 
>> the SQL server, and you already have everything you need for 
>> that. :)
>> Regards
> I have test the d\dmd2\windows\lib\odbc32.lib,the size is 4.5kb,
> I test it by test.d(build :dmd test.d)
> but find the error:
> Error 42:Symbol Undefined _SQLFreeHandle at 8
> Error 42:Symbol Undefined _SQLSetEnvAttr at 16
> Error 42:Symbol Undefined _SQLAllocHandle at 12
> Error 42:Symbol Undefined _SQLGetDiagRec at 32
> -- errorlevel 4
  I have fixed the errors.
The exe file only 210kb,it works very good.

Where the errors is ?
In the odbc32.def file.
must set the all used function names.
such as:
  _SQLFreeHandle at 8 	= SQLFreeHandle


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