The writeln() function's args can't be ["一" ,"二"]?

FrankLike via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Tue May 6 16:56:07 PDT 2014

On Tuesday, 6 May 2014 at 15:03:11 UTC, Regan Heath wrote:
> On Tue, 06 May 2014 15:48:44 +0100, Marc Schütz 
> <schuetzm at> wrote:
>> On Tuesday, 6 May 2014 at 13:35:57 UTC, FrankLike wrote:
>>>> The problem is that you have a wide-character comma (,) 
>>>> there.
>>>> This works:
>>>>   void main() {
>>>>       writeln(["一", "二"]);
>>>>   }
>>> No,I mean the execute result is error.That doesn't get the 
>>> ["一", "二"],but get the ["涓C","浜?].
>>> Why?
>>> Thank you.
>>> Frank.
>> It works for me (Linux). If you're on Windows, it could have 
>> something to do with Windows' handling of Unicode, but I don't 
>> know enough about that to help you. There were posts about 
>> this in this newsgroup, maybe you can find them, or someone 
>> else remembers and can tell you directly...
> IIRC you need to type "chcp 65001" and set the command prompt 
> to the Lucida font...
> R

No,it's error.My OS is windows 7,chcp 936. SimpleChinese.
I use the 'go language' to test
'fmt.println("一, 二")'
Then  execute result is :一, 二.
It's ok.
But D is error:涓C,浜?.


Thank you.


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