Array!T and find are slow

David Nadlinger via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Wed May 14 07:54:56 PDT 2014

On Wednesday, 14 May 2014 at 14:24:28 UTC, Damian Day wrote:
> I've written some search functions, which are many times 
> faster, is it
> worth making a pull request?

Generally, we strive to make the algorithms in Phobos as fast as 
possible even in the general case. I didn't look at the issue at 
hand in any detail, but if the "-O -release -inline" performance 
when operating on Arrays is considerably worse than when directly 
operating on the data, we have a problem, as it likely to also 
impact other ranges.

In short, I don't think the best solution is to add this special 
case to Array!T, but rather to figure out what exactly is wrong 
with Array!T and/or find() and fix the problem at its source. 
Could you post a short benchmark snippet explicitly showing the 


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