Bug with std.string.indexOf and case sensivity

Alexandre L. via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at puremagic.com
Fri May 16 17:55:19 PDT 2014

> I'll try to fetch git head and get everything working.
> Alexandre L.

Nevermind that.
For some reasons, the bug was happening when my main.d file 
looked like this:

import std.stdio;
//import std.string; // will work when imported

int main()
  string str = "Les chemises";
  // doesnt work
  write(std.string.indexOf(str, "Les", CaseSensivity.yes));
  return 0;

While it works when importing std.string. Note that I was using 
exactly the same enum (at least, I thought ?) than std.string

enum CaseSensivity { no, yes }

Whatever, it works now. I just need to don't forget to import 

Alexandre L.

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