Programming a Game in D? :D

Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Thu May 22 10:39:36 PDT 2014

On Thursday, 22 May 2014 at 15:39:36 UTC, David wrote:
> Hey, I'm really new to D, and pretty new to programming overall 
> too,
> But I want to make a 3d Game, (just sth. small). I really like 
> D and want to do it in D, but in the Internet there is no shit 
> about programming a game in D ^^
> Is there any engine written in D?
> For example the CryEngine is for C++, so I would have to write 
> a wrapper?
> So, how do I write a wrapper? I would need a wrapper for 
> DirectX too right?
> Are there any wrappers ore Engines for D i can use?
> btw. I know I dont write that in 1 day ^^
> Are there any tutorials or sth. on Programming a Game in D?
> Soooooooo I just wanna come as far to have a little Cube where 
> i can run around on with a few phisics :) so just the startup 
> to load a world and so on
> Thanks in advance :)
> And sry my english sucks :D

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