derelict glfw won't set callbacks
Vlad Levenfeld via Digitalmars-d-learn
digitalmars-d-learn at
Sat May 24 06:31:44 PDT 2014
Any attempt to set callbacks in GLFW returns a null and the
callback doesn't work.
The first enforcement fails in this example:
DerelictGLFW3.load ();
enforce (glfwSetErrorCallback (&error_callback));
enforce (glfwInit (), "glfwInit failed");
window = glfwCreateWindow (screen_dims.x, screen_dims.y, "sup",
null, null);
glfwMakeContextCurrent (window);
glfwSwapInterval (0);
If I forget about the callbacks, everything functions normally (I
can render, etc).
Here is error_callback:
static extern (C) void error_callback (int, const (char)* error)
nothrow {
import std.c.stdio: fprintf, stderr;
fprintf (stderr, "error glfw: %s\n", error);
It is a static member function but pulling it out to the module
scope changes nothing.
It doesn't work when I do it from the main thread or a secondary
The load-set_error_callback-glfwInit sequence is recommended
everywhere I look up D's GLFW bindings, so apparently this works
for other people and I must be missing something.
And in the event that this can't be solved, I suppose the thing
to do is to either poll for input events manually or try to get
that part working in C then call it from D?
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