Programming a Game in D? :D

David via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Tue May 27 03:03:34 PDT 2014

On Saturday, 24 May 2014 at 08:54:53 UTC, ponce wrote:

> Hi David,
> Learning programming, learning D and learning 3D are 3 
> significant endeavours.
> You might want to begin with which 
> will get you going with 3D, quite a topic in itself.
> Then learn D regardless :)

So, I'v used Blender for a half year or sth. and I think I can 
make a little area :)
As far as I know, I do now need a graphic and physics engines, 1 
of the graphic APIs and for sure my programming stuff and here 
I'm stuck :D

And I still can't install Mono-D :( if I try I just get a whole 
bunch of errors that any packages couldn't be found, don't know 
if I'm doing sth. wrong
(I probably do :P)

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