A question regarding Array capacity, length and slices

Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at puremagic.com
Thu May 29 01:12:10 PDT 2014

On 05/29/2014 12:37 AM, Sourav wrote:

 > the behavior totally depends upon how many
 > elements were present initially in the array, which means, the capacity
 > of a slice can actually introduces little surprises in the code! Is this
 > expected behavior or am I entirely missing something here?

It is by design. I tried to explain this behavior under the section 
"Making a slice longer may terminate sharing" here:


The section "capacity to determine whether sharing will be terminated" 
shows a way to detect whether sharing will be terminated.

Steven Schveighoffer's array article goes into design and implementation 



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