Basically want to make a macro script

Israel via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Thu Nov 13 14:28:42 PST 2014

On Thursday, 13 November 2014 at 22:20:58 UTC, Casey wrote:
> On Thursday, 13 November 2014 at 21:56:48 UTC, Casey wrote:
>> On Thursday, 13 November 2014 at 16:04:43 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe 
>> wrote:
>>> On Thursday, 13 November 2014 at 07:01:08 UTC, Rikki 
>>> Cattermole wrote:
>>>> I did find this [0]. I don't know what state its in for 
>>>> compilating/running ext. But it might give you a good 
>>>> starting point.
>>>> [0]
>>> ooh there's some nice code for Linux in there! The Windows is 
>>> only half implemented though... but this combined with my 
>>> Windows code should get you enough example to write a 
>>> cross-platform thing if you need it.
>> Thank you so much!  I really appreciate this!  But I have a 
>> few questions.
>> 1) Which compiler should I use?  I'm attempting to use the DM 
>> D comiler, but afaik it doesn't have a GUI and I can't make 
>> any sense of how to use it otherwise.  I'll look up a tutorial 
>> on it if this is the one you recommend.  If it's not the one 
>> you recommend, I'll give yours a try.
>> 2) I can't figure out what the heck half of this code means.  
>> It seems that at the bottom you have what each of the hotkey 
>> buttons are, and I can see a few times where you referenced 
>> them.  I can also see a efw listeners for the keybinds to be 
>> pressed, and then where you use the writeln command.  Other 
>> than that, I can't tell what's going on.  I feel like a noob, 
>> sorry that I don't understand this.
>> 3) I'm sure that everything you have in there has a meaning, 
>> but it looks over complicated to me.  Shouldn't it look 
>> something like this?
>> [code]
>> void main() {
>>    import std.stdio;
>>    import simpledisplay;
>>    import *Others that need to be imported*;
>>    if (*hotkey command here*) {
>>    then writeln ("We're losing Alpha!")
>>    return 0;
>> }
>> [/code]
>> I know there's a /LOT/ more to it than that, but wouldn't that 
>> be the basics?  I honestly don't know a whole lot about what 
>> you did, but at least I understand the basic concept of 
>> programming.
>> I'm going to start looking up a few tutorials on compiling 
>> using the DM D compiler, let me know if you recommend a 
>> different one.
>> Could you tell me which keys you used for the hotkey in your 
>> sample code?  I can't figure it out, but my guess it alt + c?  
>> Not sure though.
>> Thanks again, I am really impressed with you for actually 
>> writing the basic concept of it for me!  I can diffidently use 
>> this for my building block of learning how to program better!
> Ok so I've found out how to compile using the DM D compiler via 
> terminal...  I can't cd to my directory for whatever reason... 
> so I'm running this:
> [code]
> dmd D:\Documents\Other\Hotkeys\D\Keybinds.d
> [/code]
> But it's spitting out errors left and right.  Here's what I get:
> [code]
> C:\Users\Casey>dmd D:\Documents\Other\Hotkeys\D\Keybinds.d
> D:\Documents\Other\Hotkeys\D\Keybinds.d(11): Error: undefined 
> identifier KEYEVEN
> D:\Documents\Other\Hotkeys\D\Keybinds.d(25): Error: module 
> simpledisplay is in f
> ile 'simpledisplay.d' which cannot be read
> import path[0] = D:\Program Files (x86)\DM D Programming 
> Language Compiler\D\dmd
> 2\windows\bin\..\..\src\phobos
> import path[1] = D:\Program Files (x86)\DM D Programming 
> Language Compiler\D\dmd
> 2\windows\bin\..\..\src\druntime\import
> [/code]
> It's basically telling me I need the two files you mentioned 
> that are on your Github.  So I then went and got your two 
> files, copied their stuff into their own folders, and tried to 
> compile them.  Here's what I got:
> [code]
> C:\Users\Casey>dmd D:\Documents\Other\Hotkeys\D\simpledisplay.d
> D:\Documents\Other\Hotkeys\D\simpledisplay.d(274): Error: 
> module color is in fil
> e 'arsd\color.d' which cannot be read
> import path[0] = D:\Program Files (x86)\DM D Programming 
> Language Compiler\D\dmd
> 2\windows\bin\..\..\src\phobos
> import path[1] = D:\Program Files (x86)\DM D Programming 
> Language Compiler\D\dmd
> 2\windows\bin\..\..\src\druntime\import
> C:\Users\Casey>dmd D:\Documents\Other\Hotkeys\D\color.d
> OPTLINK (R) for Win32  Release 8.00.15
> Copyright (C) Digital Mars 1989-2013  All rights reserved.
> OPTLINK : Warning 23: No Stack
> color.obj(color)
>  Error 42: Symbol Undefined __fltused
> color.obj(color)
>  Error 42: Symbol Undefined __d_arraybounds
> color.obj(color)
>  Error 42: Symbol Undefined __memset80
> color.obj(color)
>  Error 42: Symbol Undefined __d_assert
> color.obj(color)
>  Error 42: Symbol Undefined __d_arraycatT
> color.obj(color)
>  Error 42: Symbol Undefined __d_throwc
> color.obj(color)
>  Error 42: Symbol Undefined 
> _D6object9Exception6__ctorMFNaNbNfAyaAyakC6object9Th
> rowableZC9Exception
> color.obj(color)
>  Error 42: Symbol Undefined __d_newclass
> color.obj(color)
>  Error 42: Symbol Undefined _D9Exception7__ClassZ
> color.obj(color)
>  Error 42: Symbol Undefined _D12TypeInfo_Aya6__initZ
> color.obj(color)
>  Error 42: Symbol Undefined __d_arrayappendcTX
> color.obj(color)
>  Error 42: Symbol Undefined _D14TypeInfo_Array6__vtblZ
> color.obj(color)
>  Error 42: Symbol Undefined __d_assert_msg
> color.obj(color)
>  Error 42: Symbol Undefined 
> _D9invariant12_d_invariantFC6ObjectZv
> color.obj(color)
>  Error 42: Symbol Undefined _D11TypeInfo_Ah6__initZ
> color.obj(color)
>  Error 42: Symbol Undefined __d_newarrayT
> color.obj(color)
>  Error 42: Symbol Undefined __d_arraycast
> color.obj(color)
>  Error 42: Symbol Undefined _D15TypeInfo_Struct6__vtblZ
> color.obj(color)
>  Error 42: Symbol Undefined __d_arraycatnT
> color.obj(color)
>  Error 42: Symbol Undefined __d_arrayappendcd
> color.obj(color)
>  Error 42: Symbol Undefined _D11TypeInfo_Aa6__initZ
> color.obj(color)
>  Error 42: Symbol Undefined _D6object6Object8toStringMFZAya
> color.obj(color)
>  Error 42: Symbol Undefined 
> _D6object6Object8opEqualsMFC6ObjectZb
> color.obj(color)
>  Error 42: Symbol Undefined _D6Object7__ClassZ
> color.obj(color)
>  Error 42: Symbol Undefined _D6object6Object6toHashMFNbNeZk
> color.obj(color)
>  Error 42: Symbol Undefined _D14TypeInfo_Class6__vtblZ
> color.obj(color)
>  Error 42: Symbol Undefined _D6object6Object5opCmpMFC6ObjectZi
> color.obj(color)
>  Error 42: Symbol Undefined _D3std9algorithm12__ModuleInfoZ
> OPTLINK : Warning 134: No Start Address
> --- errorlevel 28
> [/code]
> I'm not sure what this all means, but I'm sure I'm doing 
> something wrong.  It doesn't spit out any files, and from what 
> I've seen it's supposed to spit out 3 new ones.

All 3 files need to be in the same folder. (simpledisplay.d,
color.d, hotkeys.d)
When you call dmd youre only calling 1 file which was hotkeys.d.
You need to specify the other 2 like this.

>dmd "D:\Documents\Other\Hotkeys\D\simpledisplay.d" 

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