"Error: Undefined identifier" when moving import to another module

nrgyzer via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at puremagic.com
Mon Oct 20 10:48:29 PDT 2014

On Monday, 20 October 2014 at 17:37:34 UTC, nrgyzer wrote:
> This solved the problem for the first time, BUT - I don't know 
> if it's a bug or a feature - I ran into another problem. I'm 
> having the following few lines:
> module example;
> private
> {
>    string[string] myPrivateArray;
> }
> static this()
> {
>    foreach ( m; __traits(allMembers, example) )
>    {
>       writefln("%s ::> %s", m, __traits(getProtection, m));
>    }
> }
> void main() { /* empty */ }
> Compiling and running the application say's that myPrivateArray 
> is public:
> myPrivateArray ::> public
> I declared myPrivateArray using the private keyword, but the 
> dmd-trait `getProtection` says public. Why?

Ah, okay, I also need to use mixin(m) to get the protection. But 
in this case, getProtection only works if I want retrieve the 
protection for a variable, contained in the same module. I simply 
can't use getProtection if I'm using the allMembers-trait for 
another module where the variable is private...

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