Dart bindings for D?

via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at puremagic.com
Wed Oct 29 22:19:06 PDT 2014

On Wednesday, 29 October 2014 at 22:12:32 UTC, Laeeth Isharc 
> I have had a look around for these, but was not able to see 
> them.
>  It looks perhaps like dart_api.h is the main file to convert - 
> I will have a crack at starting this unless anyone knows of any 
> already in existence.

Dart VM is available as a standalone, which can be set up to act 
as a web server. But you want to integrate it into D?

> Rationale for using Dart in combination with D is that I am not 
> thrilled about learning or writing in Javascript, yet one has 
> to do processing on the client in some language, and there seem 
> very few viable alternatives for that.

Javascript is easy, but compiling to Javascript from D with 
dart2js is also ok if you only want to support the latest 

Dart makes most sense for internal web applications.

> It would be nice to run D from front to back, but at least Dart 
> has C-like syntax and is reasonably well thought out.
> Am I missing any existing bindings somewhere?

I don't think so, but integrating DartVM into D means you have to 
deal with two different garbage collectors or put a substantial 
amount of work into making D use the Dart collector.

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