ini library in OSX

Joel via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Sun Sep 7 23:32:51 PDT 2014

Is there any ini library that works in OSX?

I've tried the ones I found. I think they have the same issue.

Joels-MacBook-Pro:ChrisMill joelcnz$ dmd ini -unittest
ini.d(330): Error: cannot pass dynamic arrays to extern(C) vararg 
ini.d(387): Error: undefined identifier 'replace', did you mean 
'template replace(E, R1, R2)(E[] subject, R1 from, R2 to) if 
(isDynamicArray!(E[]) && isForwardRange!R1 && isForwardRange!R2 
&& (hasLength!R2 || isSomeString!R2))'?
ini.d(495): Error: cannot pass dynamic arrays to extern(C) vararg 
ini.d(571): Error: cannot pass dynamic arrays to extern(C) vararg 
ini.d(571): Error: cannot pass dynamic arrays to extern(C) vararg 
Joels-MacBook-Pro:ChrisMill joelcnz$

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