Remove filename from path

monarch_dodra via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Wed Sep 24 05:21:40 PDT 2014

On Wednesday, 24 September 2014 at 10:35:29 UTC, Suliman wrote:
> I can't understand how to use strip? For example I would like 
> to cut just extension.
> path = path.stripRight("exe");
> Error: no overload matches for stripRight(C)(C[] str) if

strip doens't work that way. It simply removes leading/trailing 

There's a version in std.algorithm which is more generic, but it 
accepts either a predicate, or an element, but not a range.

Unfortunately, there is no generic function that allows striping 
of a specific ending range (though there are ways to either 
detect it, or strip it from the end).
If you want something generic, then:

     string path = "myFile.doc";
     string extension = ".doc";
     if (path.endsWith(extension))
         path = path[0 .. $ - extension.length];

Would work.

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