Mistake of opening of a file having a name in cp1251.
MGW via Digitalmars-d-learn
digitalmars-d-learn at puremagic.com
Thu Apr 2 23:26:52 PDT 2015
Greetings to all!
I work on Windows with cp1251 and I have a mistake in the program:
import std.stdio;
int main (string [] args) {
string nameFile = `«Ёлки с объектами №876».txt`;
File f = File (nameFile, "w");
f.writeln ("Greetings!");
return 0;
This mistake of a kind:
std.exception. ErrnoException at std\stdio.d (372): Cannot open file
` ┬л╨Б ╨╗╨║╨╕ ╨Ю ╨▒
╤К ╨╡╨║╤ 876 ┬╗. txt ' in mode ` w ' (Invalid argument)
For correction of this mistake I had to change a file std\stdio.d,
having added in it function fromUtf8toAnsiW (). The piece of an
source code
of a file std\stdio.d with changes is presented more low.
private FILE* fopen(in char[] name, in char[] mode = "r")
@trusted // nothrow @nogc - mgw отключено из-за fromUtf8toAnsiW
import std.internal.cstring : tempCString;
// 02.04.2015 8:31:19 repair for dmd 2.067.0
wchar* fromUtf8toAnsiW(in char[] s, uint codePage = 0) @trusted
import std.c.windows.windows: WideCharToMultiByte,
import std.windows.syserror: sysErrorString;
import std.conv: to;
char[] result, rez; int readLen; auto ws = std.utf.toUTF16z(s);
result.length = WideCharToMultiByte(codePage, 0, ws, -1, null,
0, null, null);
if (result.length) {
readLen = WideCharToMultiByte(codePage, 0, ws, -1,
result.ptr, to!int(result.length), null, null);
for(int i; i != result.length; i++) { rez ~= result[i]; rez
~= 0; } rez ~= 0; rez ~= 0;
if (!readLen || readLen != result.length) {
throw new Exception("Couldn't convert string: " ~
return cast(wchar*)rez.ptr;
import std.internal.cstring : tempCStringW;
// return _wfopen(name.tempCStringW(),
return _wfopen(fromUtf8toAnsiW(name),
else version(Posix)
import core.sys.posix.stdio : fopen;
return fopen(name.tempCString(), mode.tempCString());
return .fopen(name.tempCString(), mode.tempCString());
With the given correction all works correctly.
Whether correctly such change from the point of view of
programming canons on D ?
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