CT-String as a Symbol
Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn
digitalmars-d-learn at puremagic.com
Wed Apr 15 13:12:26 PDT 2015
On 04/15/2015 12:19 PM, "Nordlöw" wrote:
> I'm using DMD 2.067.
Mee too. The following is the minimum amount of code I used, which compiles:
import std.traits;
import std.range;
struct Index(T = size_t) if (isUnsigned!T)
this(T ix) { this._ix = ix; }
T opCast(U : T)() const { return _ix; }
private T _ix = 0;
mixin template genOps(T)
auto ref opIndex(T i) inout { return _r[cast(size_t)i]; }
auto ref opIndexAssign(V)(V value, T i) { return _r[cast(size_t)i]
= value; }
static if (hasSlicing!R)
auto ref opSlice(T i, T j) inout { return _r[cast(size_t)i ..
cast(size_t)j]; }
auto ref opSliceAssign(V)(V value, T i, T j) { return
_r[cast(size_t)i ..
cast(size_t)j] = value; }
struct IndexedBy(R, string I = "Index") if (isArray!R)
mixin(q{ struct } ~ I ~
q{ {
alias T = size_t;
this(T ix) { this._ix = ix; }
T opCast(U : T)() const { return _ix; }
private T _ix = 0;
mixin genOps!(mixin(I));
R _r;
alias _r this; // TODO Use opDispatch instead; to override only
opSlice and opIndex
void main()
auto i = IndexedBy!(int[])();
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