Reuse object memory?

Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Sun Apr 19 14:17:17 PDT 2015

On 04/19/2015 09:04 AM, Namespace wrote:

 > Is it somehow possible to reuse the memory of an object?

Yes, when you cast a class variable to void*, you get the address of the 

 > @nogc
 > T emplace(T, Args...)(ref T obj, auto ref Args args) nothrow if (is(T ==
 > class)) {

There is already std.conv.emplace:

import std.conv;
import core.memory;

class Foo
     int i;

     this(int i)
         this.i = i;

void main()
     void* buffer = GC.calloc(1234);

     enum FooSize = __traits(classInstanceSize, Foo);

     /* These two object are constructed on a void[] slice: */
     auto f = emplace!Foo(buffer[0..FooSize], 42);
     auto f2 = emplace!Foo(buffer[0..FooSize], 43);

     /* f3 is constructed on top of an existing object: */
     auto f2_addr = cast(void*)f2;
     auto f3 = emplace!Foo(f2_addr[0..FooSize], 44);

     /* At this point, all three reference the same object: */
     assert(&f.i == &f2.i);
     assert(&f.i == &f3.i);


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