
Jakob Ovrum via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Tue Apr 21 04:21:37 PDT 2015

On Tuesday, 21 April 2015 at 10:28:32 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> On Tuesday, April 21, 2015 08:14:10 Jakob Ovrum via 
> Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
>> std.datetime contains parseRFC822DateTime to convert from an
>> RFC822/RFC5322 formatted string (ala "Sat, 6 Jan 1990 12:14:19
>> -0800") to a SysTime.
>> Does it contain anything for the converse - converting from a
>> SysTime to "Sat, 6 Jan 1990 12:14:19 -0800"?
>> If not, should it?
> No, it does not contain the reverse. It was added specifically 
> for the
> installer. If it weren't for that, std.datetime wouldn't 
> support it at all.
> It's a horrible format that should just die. The only reason to 
> use it is
> because the e-mail spec (and thus specs like HTTP) 
> unfortunately uses it.
> However, anyone that's going to need to generate the format for 
> anything
> like that is going to need a lot more than that that Phobos 
> doesn't provide
> anyway, so I really don't think that it's much of a loss. 
> Regardless, I'm
> strongly of the opinion that anything dealing with that format 
> should be
> restricted to a library for e-mail or HTTP, and if it weren't 
> for the fact
> that the installer needed to be able to read it (I forget why), 
> I would have
> argued strongly against adding parseRFC822DateTime to Phobos.
> - Jonathan M Davis

I needed it for the If-Modified-Since HTTP header, through

Phobos has HTTP support and this is the preferred date format 
according to spec. Phobos should support it.

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