Concurrency Confusion

"岩倉 澪" via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Tue Aug 4 01:03:52 PDT 2015

Hi all, I'm a bit confused today (as usual, haha).

I have a pointer to a struct (let's call it Foo) allocated via a 
C library.
I need to do some expensive computation with the Foo* to create a 
Bar[], but I would like to do that computation in the background, 
because the Bar[] is not needed right away.

I definitely do not want there to be a copy of all elements of 
the Bar[] between threads, because it is very large.

I tried to implement it like this:

     void fooPtrToBarArr(in shared Foo* f, out shared Bar[] b){ 
/*do work*/ }
     __gshared Foo* foo;
     foo = allocateFoo();
     __gshared Bar[] bar;
     spawn(foo, bar);

To my dismay, it results in a cryptic compiler error:

> template std.concurrency.spawn cannot deduce function from 
> argument types
> !()(void function(shared(const(Foo*)) f, out shared(Bar[]) b), 
> Foo*,
> Bar[]), candidates are:
> /usr/include/dlang/dmd/std/concurrency.d(466):
> std.concurrency.spawn(F, T...)(F fn, T args) if 
> (isSpawnable!(F, T))

Any help would be greatly appreciated :)

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