std.array: array, ulong and Win32

anonymous via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Sun Aug 9 13:33:09 PDT 2015

On Sunday, 9 August 2015 at 20:13:38 UTC, ixid wrote:
> This seems like a reasonable use but errors, obviously I can do 
> it in many other ways:
>     ulong[] result = iota(1UL, 10UL).array;
> Error: static assert  "Argument types in (ulong) are not all 
> convertible to size_t: 
> (ulong)"	C:\D\dmd2\src\phobos\std\array.d	516	

Yup, bug. Please file an issue at <>.

> And while I'm here why do arrays not implicitly cast? ulong is 
> happy to accept uint values but ulong[] will not accept uint[].

That's because the offsets of the elements are different. Reading 
a ulong means reading 8 bytes. But in a uint[] every element only 
takes up 4 bytes. So every 2 uint elements would be combined into 
one ulong. And if the uint[] doesn't have an even number of 
elements, you'd read beyond array bounds.

You can do that conversion explicitly, but for an implicit 
conversion that would be too surprising.

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