Derelict, SDL, and OpenGL3: Triangle Tribulations

Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Tue Aug 11 22:35:29 PDT 2015

On Wednesday, 12 August 2015 at 03:32:47 UTC, DarthCthulhu wrote:
> So, any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

Too much to list. I suggest you get going with a good tutorial. 
One of the best I've seen is by Anton Gerdelan [1]. The four 
basic tutorials he has on his site will be enough to get you up 
and running. He used to have a lot more there, but he's published 
them all in a book. Even though there are numerous free resources 
online, I think Anton's ebook is well worth the ~$9.00 you pay 
for it. His tutorials are quite detailed and do a lot more than 
showing you a bunch of code to copy and paste. Work your way 
through that book and you'll know your way around well enough to 
do what you need to do for any basic OpenGL renderer.

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