NYT data article based on work of EMSI, who I think are a D shop

Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at puremagic.com
Tue Aug 25 15:39:05 PDT 2015

> Hi, I'm the Data group lead at EMSI; my group is the primary 
> user of D in the organization and I can confirm that we are 
> doing some interesting things with it that really leverage D's 
> strengths.  I will work on putting together a piece 
> highlighting some of those things--any suggestions for venue?  
> We don't have a public tech blog, so the wiki is the only thing 
> coming to mind.
> P.S. Lots of other great mentions if you're interested in the 
> work we do:  http://www.economicmodeling.com/press/

Hi.  Nice to 'meet' you.  Maybe I'll become a client some day, 
although I am more focused on economies at a national than a 
regional level.

I'll check out the PR shortly.

The wiki is definitely a good start.  The only problem with it as 
an ultimate way to present things is that people are inordinately 
impressed by slick and shiny presentation today, and as a company 
I would myself prefer to shape the context in which ideas are 

So I like what John Colvin has done here with dlangscience:

Maybe there should be a simple portal for enterprise stories (and 
later it can be made glossier).  For example, I was talking to 
someone who runs a $2bn startup fund recently about D, and I had 
nowhere to point him other than Andy Smith's presentation.

D has some really good stories to tell on the enterprise front.  
They don't need any marketing BS to be convincing, but at the 
same time when you are explaining something you can't presume 
people know what you know, and have to walk people through 
things.  Technical comparisons are nice, but stories speak to 
peoples' imagination and actually that's important in making 

On the wiki we have this as a start:

But it really could be made more vivid.  I can't see there that 
at Facebook, in spite of their outstanding engineering talent, 
nobody had been able to speed up the preprocessor, but Andrei and 
Walter together using D were able to get this done quite quickly. 
  Or the appeal of working with an agreeable language in 
attracting talent to a perhaps dull project (Andrei spoke about 
this wrt ODBC drivers, I think).

I can help a bit with suggestions and some writing, but I don't 
have the time or ability to build this myself.

This was really spurred by your question, and not quite an answer 
to it.  So for that, maybe write the slides or narrative first, 
put up on wiki and then let's refine the presentation.


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