Must ranges have value semantics?

H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Tue Dec 15 09:48:20 PST 2015

On Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 05:36:52PM +0000, Chris Wright via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
> I noticed that some methods in Phobos will have very different
> behavior with forward ranges that have reference semantics and those
> that have value semantics.
> Example:
> auto range = getSomeRange();
> auto count = range.walkLength;
> foreach (element; range) { writeln(element); }
> If getSomeRange returns a forward range that is a reference type with
> no .length property, walkLength will exhaust the range. The iteration
> after that will never enter the loop body.
> However, if getSomeRange returns a range with value semantics with no
> .length property, then iteration is still possible.
> I haven't found documentation about how ranges are intended to be used
> in D written by people who maintain Phobos. Is it normal and expected
> that I should have to call .save everywhere, manually? Was there
> discussion on whether this should be the case or a published document
> containing the reasoning behind the decision?

This is one of the "undefined" or poorly-defined areas of D ranges. :-(
Basically, in generic code, you should always use .save where you expect
to reuse the range after iterating over it.  In non-generic code, of
course, you already know what the range semantics are and you don't need
to use .save, but in generic code, where the incoming range type may or
may not have reference semantics, always call .save to be on the safe
side. Value-type ranges simply return `this` in their .save method
anyway, so it doesn't hurt.

(There have been (and possibly still are) places in Phobos where .save
wasn't used, leading to subtle bugs that only manifest themselves when
user code starts passing reference-semantics ranges around. Phobos
unittests in general, unfortunately, tend to only test value-type
ranges, so this problem often gets missed. There have been attempts to
remedy this, but AFAIK there are still many unittests out there that
don't adequately verify their target functions with reference-type
ranges. Or, on a related note, anything other than arrays, which often
leads to hiding places for bugs that only show up with non-array

There was a discussion recently that .save may have been a
miscalculation in the design of ranges, and that forward ranges should
have done this in postblit instead of a separate method. (One should
understand, however, that at the time ranges were first defined, we
didn't have postblit semantics the way we have them today, so at that
time a .save method was possibly the best compromise given the state of
the language then.)


Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence. -- Napoleon Bonaparte

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