How is D doing?

rsw0x via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Wed Dec 23 23:19:20 PST 2015

On Thursday, 24 December 2015 at 06:10:55 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 24, 2015 at 12:16:16AM +0000, rsw0x via 
> Digitalmars-d-learn wrote: [...]
>> D, as I expected, has a massive following in Japan. I'm still 
>> not quite sure why.
> Maybe because one of the most prolific contributors to D, esp. 
> to dmd, (and by far) happens to be from Japan?
> T

I'm aware of Kenji, I'm just not sure why because I never notice 
that many Japanese posters here. It seems quite popular on 
Twitter with Japanese users though which is why I'm familiar with 
its popularity in Japan.

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