How to write asia characters on console?

FrankLike via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Thu Feb 12 05:29:58 PST 2015

On Sunday, 8 February 2015 at 05:57:31 UTC, Lave Zhang wrote:
> Hi,
> My first D program is like this:
> -----------------------------------
> import std.stdio;
> void main(string[] args)
> {
>       dstring s1 = "hello你好"d;
>       writeln(s1);
> }
> -----------------------------------
> But the output is not correct(and my console codepage is 936):
> C:\D\dmd2\samples\d>dmd hello.d -offilename hello.exe
> C:\D\dmd2\samples\d>hello.exe
> hello浣犲ソ
> thanks.

add such code is better than use 'chcp 65001' for exe's consumer.

extern(C) int setlocale(int, char*);

static this()
	import core.stdc.wchar_;

    fwide(core.stdc.stdio.stdout, 1);
    setlocale(0, cast(char*)"china");

module cnsetlocale;

import std.stdio;

extern(C) int setlocale(int, char*);

static this()
	import core.stdc.wchar_;

    fwide(core.stdc.stdio.stdout, 1);
    setlocale(0, cast(char*)"china");

void main()
	string msg="你好!!";
	string msg1="去看电影吗?";
	string msg2="是吗?";
	writefln("the string is %s \n %s %s
and %s",msg,msg1,msg2,"你要去哪儿玩?");
	writeln("公园?","  电影院?");
void a(string msg2)
	writefln("the string is %s",msg2);
dmd hello //only such simple

'printf' is error,but for consumer is better,because they don't 
need  change any things,so don't use the 'printf' function .

If only test for yourself,you can add such codes for your main :

	import std.process;
	executeShell("chcp 65001");

then,change the Font to 'Lucida Console'

after 'dmd hello'

( if you don't want use 65001,then open cmd,chcp 936 ,and change 
the Font to '宋体')


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