Is this a bug in dmd 2.067 for struct initializers?

stewarth via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Wed Feb 18 22:39:17 PST 2015

Hi All,

This works under dmd 2066.1 but fails under dmd 2.067-b2.

struct A {
     int val;

static immutable A[] someA = [{val:1}, {val:2}];

struct B {
     A* a;

static immutable B[] someB = [{a:&someA[0]}, {a:&someA[1]}];

void main()

     writefln("a:%s", someA);
     writefln("b:%s", someB);
Error under DMD 2.067-b2:

hack.d(27): Error: cannot use non-constant CTFE pointer in an 
initializer '&[A(1), A(2)][0]'
hack.d(27): Error: cannot use non-constant CTFE pointer in an 
initializer '&[A(1), A(2)][1]'

Is this a bug, or a deliberate change?

I'm thinking a bug because I want it to initialize at runtime 
before main(). I don't actually want any CTFE stuff here.


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