How to create instance of class that get data from 2 another instance?

Suliman via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Fri Jan 2 03:21:07 PST 2015

I looked at my code and it's seems that I can create instance of 
MySQL in main.

void main()
auto parseconfig = new parseConfig();
auto mysql = new MySQL(parseconfig, seismodownload);

In parseConfig I am creation instance of seismoDownload:

class parseConfig
if (checkLinkCode(emsc_csem) == 200)
auto seismodownload = new seismoDownload(emsc_csem);

So I should be able to call it in main ( I talk about "auto mysql 
= new MySQL(parseconfig, seismodownload);")

But I am getting error:
Error: undefined identifier seismodownload, did you mean class  

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