Import paths do not work

tcak via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Wed Jan 28 23:08:38 PST 2015

I have a library that has many folders and D files in them. I do 
not want to list name of all module files one by one while 
compiling projects. So, I thought I could use "-I" flag while 
compiling. It says:

     where to look for imports

So, I made a test as follows:

import inc.blah;

void main(){
	inc.blah.a = 5;

module inc.blah;

public int a;

	dmd -I"./inc/" test.d

When I do "make", result is as follows:

dmd -I"./inc/" test.d
test.o: In function `_Dmain':
test.d:(.text._Dmain+0x10): undefined reference to 

Do I understand wrong how that "-I" flag works?

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