Understanding Safety of Function Pointers vs. Addresses of Functions

Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at puremagic.com
Sun Jul 12 19:52:09 PDT 2015

>> I don't know what exactly you're after, but you can use 
>> foreach on a whatever-they're-called-now tuple (there's been a 
>> discussion about the name which I haven't followed; I mean the 
>> kind you get from a TemplateTupleParameter):
>> ----
>> void f1() {}
>> void f2() {}
>> void callThemAll(functions ...)()
>> {
>>     foreach(f; functions) /* The loop is unrolled at compile 
>> time. */
>>     {
>>         f();
>>     }
>> }
>> void main()
>> {
>>     callThemAll!(f1, f2)();
>> }
>> ----
>> As usual, recursion is an alternative:
>> ----
>> void callThemAll(functions ...)()
>> {
>>     static if(functions.length > 0)
>>     {
>>         functions[0]();
>>         callThemAll!(functions[1 .. $])();
>>     }
>> }
>> ----
> Sorry, I don't think I made myself clear enough. Your code 
> allows you to do something like call multiple functions in a 
> loop. I'm talking about the fact that
> alias cos = givemeabettername!(std.math.cos);
> alias sin = givemeabettername!(std.math.sin);
> are just two functions of many in std.math. Suppose I wanted to 
> write it so that every function in std.math had an array 
> version generated by this code. I would be repeating this alias 
> line once each time. My point is that I don't see a way to do 
> this in a loop. I don't think I can do something like
> void callThemAll(functions ...)()
> {
>     foreach(f; functions)
>     {
>         alias __Function__ = givemeabettername!(f); //where 
> __Function__ is the name of the function for f, not callThemAll
>     }
> }
> callThemAll(std.math.cos, std.math.sin);
> void main()
> {
>     real[] x = [0, PI];
>     auto y = cos(x);
>     auto z = sin(x);
> }

I am venturing in territory still new to me, but I think that was 
his point - foreach with tuples looks like it is looping, but 
really it is unpacking them statically at compile time.  And 
similarly with the recursive version.  I don't know if you can 
avoid the mixin, but you can make it a little tidier.

import std.math;
import std.stdio;
import std.traits;

mixin template callThemAll(functions...)
     static if(functions.length >1)
    		mixin callThemAll!(functions[1..$]);

void main()
	mixin callThemAll!(sin,cos,tan);

Not sure if you knew this already and still found it too messy.

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