Splitting a range into a range of tuples

Adam via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at puremagic.com
Mon Jun 1 17:39:06 PDT 2015

>     auto result = input
>                   .splitter(',')
>                   .map!splitter
>                   .joiner
>                   .map!(to!int)
>                   .chunks(2)
>                   .map!array
>                   .array
>                   .sort()
>                   .retro;

Thanks for the reply. I'm a bit confused by the splitter followed 
immediately by the joiner...and then it kinda falls apart for me. 
Here's where I've ended up:

	auto result =
		.splitter(",")             // range of strings
		.map!(v => v.splitter(" ") // range of ranges strings
		.array                     // range of arrays of strings
		.to!(int[]))               // range of arrays of ints

Everything is fine until I try to instantiate Tuples with my 
arrays. Then I get an error that says none of the overloads of 
the constructor are callable with these arguments. But I see 
this: http://dlang.org/phobos/std_typecons.html#.Tuple.this.2 , 
which makes me think it should work. Am I doing something wrong?

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