More type-flexible arrays?

Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Sat Jun 13 23:46:04 PDT 2015

On 06/13/2015 11:12 PM, Ozan wrote:

 > Hallo!
 > Is it possible to create arrays which has more then one type,

Not possible.

 > f. ex. array[0] = 1; array[1] = "z"; array[2] = new clazz(), ....
 > I tried "Variant", but it slow down heavily my app.

Another option is OOP. Depending on the way they are used in the 
program, those different types have a common interface. It is possible 
to have an array of that interface:

     Foo[] foos;

interface Foo
     void commonFunction();
     // ...

class clazz : Foo
     // ...

However, fundamental types like int need to be boxed:

class FundamentalFoo(T) : Foo
     T value;

     // ...

If needed, you can specialize FundamentalFoo for int, string, etc.


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